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Every single alarm is tested by us, with and without gas before they are delivered. We are therefore sorry if something has happened to your alarm on the way, or if there is a problem with placing the alarm.
Remember that the alarm may randomly alert for 20 seconds when you turn it on. Then only the LED should flash every 5th second.
GLA is sensitive to rapid/large changes of temperature and humidity. It should be turned off in unstable environment. False alarm will drain the batteries fast. Ref. User manual, Chapter 4. This is important for cottages without electricity, caravans, boats etc. Especially late fall, winter and early spring.
In order to maximise the lifetime, store your GLA in a dry sealed box to avoid impact from condense and wet air.
Solve any problems with our Serviceguide
We have 1 year limited warranty on our products. Current terms are described in detail in the User Guide chapter 1.
The battery capacity without alarms is estimated to be more than 20 years. However, the lifetime of GLA depends highly on the environment, usage and alert time. |
We only want happy customers !!
Solve any problems with our ServiceGuide
You are protected by the Norwegian return rights. Should something happen to a new GLA so that it is not working properly, this will be covered by our warranty.
Never attempt to open the sensor or perform repairs yourself, as this may cause a short circuit and other errors that can not be repaired. The batteries in GLA are special made. If you have questions, please contact us.
We only offer battery replacement in Norway. However, you should contact your dealer in your own country. Some might give you a special offer for exchanging the whole GLA. Make sure you have read our Service Guide in beforehand to make sure the batteries really are flat and to not get into the same situation again. |
Maintenance of our products is minimal. Essentially normal cleaning. The sensors are provided with automatic calibration. The testing of the sensors is smart, simple and secure. The alert is logical tested for error.
Remember to test your GLA every time before use and every month with the test in bag described in the manual. LED flash should be observed daily.
Details are described in the UserGuide in Product Info/User Guide.
Confidence: Every alarm is tested by us before delivered. The product and testing comply with the CE standard. This is the reason we have thousands of satisfied customers every year. Complaints are rare and essentially due to either serious physical impact, or incorrect placement/use. We hardly have any alarms with production failure. Remember to read Start and User Guide and test your GLA frequently.
In case of any problems se our ServiceGuide or read about False alarm and Temperature below. |
We are here for YOU.
Without YOU we are nothing.
intelligent Sensors Safety , Health , Environment |
* Return rights * Warranty * Battery replacement * Contact us
* No installation * Operation only ON-OFF * Minimal maintenance * No Battery charging * No Battery replacement * Automatic Calibration * Logical alert testing * Simple test function
WRONG LOCATION Of the alarms we get in return, half work perfectly when we test them. They have therefore not been placed in a suitable location. There is a checklist for this in the User's Guide Chapter 3. The most common error is that the alarm is exposed to sun or cold drag. If the temperature changes rapidly, the alarm might sound. The alarm will tell you if it doesn’t like the location. Try another location i.e. on the floor in a corner or underneath a furniture, undisturbed by doors and windows. GLA works even if alarms happens. However, incorrect placement may cause the batteries to drain faster than normal.
PHYSICAL IMPACT For the other half of returned alarms, we usually find signs of serious physical impact. This may cause the calibration to move slightly. The alarm will work even if this happens, but it may have become too sensitive. This can be tested by putting the alarm into a small plastic bag, breath gently through the opening at one side of the alarm to fill up the alarm and the bag, and close it. The LED should flash at least 1-2 times before the alarm goes, normally within 5-6 times, dependent on the how fast the bag was filled up. If the alarm has become too sensitive, it must be exchanged with a new one.
If the alarm needs to be exchanged, please contact your dealer. |
GLA has been tested for temperatures from -20°C to +40°C. It is a CE requirement. Nevertheless, we recommend that the alarm be used in the range from +5°C to +30°C, which will satisfy most applications. This is to avoid condensation at alternating low temperatures, which can shorten the life of all electronics.
TEST IN CABINE AT RØROS: ” Nu har hytta vært i bruk ca hver annen helg løpet av vinteren. I mellomtiden har temperaturen vært ned til minus 17 grader inne i hytte. Måleren har stått på hele perioden, og fungerer helt som den skal hver gang.”
TEST IN LAVVO IN FEBRUARY: ” Brukte isens i helgen på lavvotur i Trondheim. Temp fra -13 til +20 Brukte vedovn og primus på gass. Ingen falsk alarm.”
TEST IN TENT IN THE WINTER: ” Brukte isens på telttur 2-4.feb. Nerskogen, temp fra -20 til noen plussgrader. Vi fyrte i 3mannsteltet med bensinprimus og gass. Om natten ble det ikke fyret og det dannet seg noe kondens i teltet. Isens lå i nettingen i taket (tørkeloftet) og utløste en alarm når brenneren ble brukt i bunnen av teltet. Trolig varme/avgasser som gjorde dette. Skrudde den av og etterpå ble den kun brukt når brenner ikke var i bruk. Ingen flere alarmer.”
TEST IN SAILBOAT IN THE SUMMER: ” Har den liggende på gulvet inntil veggen under trappa. Vi har kun hatt alarm to ganger. En gang var det kommet mye eksos inn i båten etter å ha kjørt lenge på motor. En annen gang var ikke gassen til kokeapparatet helt avstengt.”